Tag: sustainable Stories
Colour my world
There are two types of people in the world, those that enjoy the muted tranquillity and calmness of neutral tones and those that just want […]
How to make a Dish Brush
Tea with friends How do you redesign a product that is just about as perfect as they come? We have been wanting to […]
6 Reasons to use a Rubber Wood Hair Brush
Did you know that Rubber Wood is not actually bouncy timber but comes from the tree that produces rubber? So rubber wood actually gives twice […]
Is recycling the answer?
The ever growing problem of plastics requires a solution greater than recycling alone. Is recycling the answer or should we be changing the question? Perhaps the answer lies closer than we think and the question might be what SHOULD we use plastic for, rather than what we shouldn’t?
Fair Trade a Job Keeper
Fair Trade meant that the producers of our Eco Max Brushes weren’t alone during the COVID19 crises. Just like the Job Keeper benefits provided by the Australian government, our Fair Trade principles provided wages and security to take some of the stress out of the pandemic.
Smiles at the ECOMAX Creche
The creche at our Eco Max Brushes producers factory is 6 months old now and visiting it is always a fabulous experience. See what changes have happened since we last visited as well as some DIY recipes for children’s play activities we tested while we were there.
Water bottles – A breeding ground for germs?
Do I need to clean my reusable water bottle? You would be surprised at what germs lurk at the bottom of your bottle. But fear not we have made a new Premium Eco Max Bottle Brush especially to fit narrow neck water bottle and in this story of ImportAnts we show you how you can live green without drinking green.
To Compost or not to compost?
Thought about composting but not sure if it’s right for you? It doesn’t matter if you live in flat or in a house, learn how easy composting really can be.
Most Frequently Asked Questions? – Kitchen
Can I put my Eco Max Brush straight in the compost bin with the wire still in it? Is coconut fibre naturally anti-bacterial? Can my brush go in the dishwasher? These questions and so many more are answer here in our Q & A Kitchen.
Our Sinamay Story – a plastic alternative
Finding a plastic free alternative to package our hand-rolled Cook’s and Gardener’s soap was a difficult task. But then we discovered Sinamay and it ticked all our boxes.
A New Year’s Resolution for the Planet
Often our New Year’s Eve resolutions are a wish list for making improvements in our own life. But isn’t it time we made a New Year’s resolution for the planet!
In Support of WOMEN
“When you want to invest and create GDP, there is no better or more effective investment –than investing in women.” This is why we employ women in the making of our Fair Trade products.
Which is better for the planet, recycling plastics or replacing them with more sustainable natural solutions? We look at the positives and negatives of recycling plastics.