Tag: connect2earth Stories
Herberry Bananas – a true story
Herberry Bananas, sounds like a new superfood? Well maybe that’s what they should be called. And then you have Raspfruits. A fun but true little story to put a smile on your face at we come to the end of 2020.
To Compost or not to compost?
Thought about composting but not sure if it’s right for you? It doesn’t matter if you live in flat or in a house, learn how easy composting really can be.
“Vegan” – more than just food
When you think of the word “Vegan” most people automatically think of a type of diet that excludes animal products or anything derived from an animal. But Vegan means so much more than just food, it’s a lifestyle choice.
Which is better for the planet, recycling plastics or replacing them with more sustainable natural solutions? We look at the positives and negatives of recycling plastics.
Fish, Fibres & Food
When fish eat fibres, the fish and the fibres end up on our dinner plate. But there is more to the story!
Earth Hour
Earth Hour 2018 is about conversations on the loss of nature around you. To get the conversation started ImportAnts have given you some ideas of things you can do locally. Ideas to connect with others in your community to drive global awareness and action on biodiversity.